Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yes, really. Homework. Having been seated here for the last two hours and still not yet close to completing this homework, I have decided to procrastinate and blog for a while.

It is week #3 in Beijing. To say that I have done nothing but study in Beijing would be a lie - so I won't. But I do have class Monday to Friday, from 8am - 3pm (yes, brutal). There was a lot of mess in class placement but alas I have been placed in the E class - apparently the most advanced class. I am surprised with how many characters I retained in my memory - yet most of the time the meaning I know but of which pronunciation I don't know. If it ended there I would be happy - Mandarin is a tough language to learn. There is writing, and listening.

The classes are actually really interesting - my favourite being Chinese History and Ancient Chinese works (in short form). I'm not really sure how many of these idioms I will retain but I definitely enjoy reading them.

Other than trying not to freeze in Beijing (weather forecast places the temperature between -1c to 14c), time is spent on alcoholic consumption, socializing, dancing and much laughter - otherwise known as partying. It is hard not to - Beijing has quite a few amazing clubs (and not to mention I have three other girlfriends with me). And the place is heaving with locals and expats. Though generally we do limit ourselves to droughts on Mondays through to Wednesdays...

All in all, has been an amazing three weeks and ten more to go. Have to return to my homework now but I promise a couple of posts to come soon...