Friday, February 11, 2011

Yoga Retreat in Bali

I first did yoga in university, nine years ago - and hated it. It was too slow, and I felt nothing. I didn't attempt it for another two years or so, and purely for physical purpose - in order to stretch as I was rowing. Over the years, I grew more and more attached - though still again, only from a physical purpose - as I injure myself when I stopped practising.

So it only made sense that I went to a yoga retreat - to make sure that I was doing things right. And where well more suitable than Bali?

Yoga is much more than the physical. Yogis practise to bring their bodies to a comfortable enough state to meditate. And if you do meditate, you will know it is far either to sit still for 20 minutes after yoga than to go straight into it. At least that is what I think. In some ways, it can be more spiritual than meditation itself.

I really do wonder why I had not been to a retreat sooner. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it. It was not weird at all (okay, there was a bit of chanting - but have an open mind). How often do you spend time just with yourself? Not with people or conversations or books or meetings. Just you and your body. 

Yoga can be very physical, but it can also be very inwardly reflective. It is not about pushing your body, but instead listening to what it can do. What part of you control what are you doing now? Is it your physical? Your mind? Your emotions?

I shall save you from my hippie renderings, but I highly recommend a yoga retreat in your lifetime. But make no judgements, just be, and just absorb. Have an open mind. 

Oh and I had the best vegan meals for a week. I survived. :)

We had the temple to ourselves one night


I got hooked onto wheat grass juice... I got served first thing every morning

The altar at the yoga hall

The paddy fields in Bali

Best packed lunch ever

We beach we went snorkelling at

Our yoga hall

Best vegan "cheese"cake ever

The mandala we practice to