Saturday, May 15, 2010

Taishan 泰山

Post (some very rigorous) exams, the school had organized a week-long excursion. We travelled to Shandong - first stop being 泰山(1500m). The mountain (or a group of them) is the most important mountain in Chinese culture - it carries religious, historic and literary importance. It took us about 1.5hours to get up there - but then I take a lot of photos...

Prayer strips being sold on the mountain...

... some use them as such

The view of Tai'an from the top of Mount Tai

It seems the local tradition to "lock" away your woes

Though the lock business seems to be slow today...

Engravings (dating back over 3000 years) all over the mountain - beats me how they get up there!

One of the many red doors

Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain

Some parts of the temple is an architectural replication of the Forbidden City

Passage way in Dai Temple

Prayer plates

My attempt at being artistic

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