Saturday, May 21, 2011

Flushing, NY

Over a very cold, very wet New York week, the skies opened up on the day we decided to venture out yonder to Flushing to eat some Chinese food. Even the gods approved of an over-eating adventure. 

I was intrigued with Flushing - because I had read so much about it. There is a Chinatown in Manhattan - but this is Cantonese speaking Chinatown - where the cuisine is Southern Chinese, with a mix of South East Asian food thrown in. These were second or third or maybe even older, generation of Chinese. 

Flushing was newer. It is bigger, it is messier, it is more Mainland. For starters, people speak Mandarin. And the food is Mainland Chinese. We went to a semi-Taiwanese restaurant - and of course we over ate. The table next to us stared at us. I suppose it does warrant some eye popping when two girls at the table inhales four dishes. 

You probably don't see Flushing in the movies, as you do Central Park, West Village, Upper East Side, Brooklyn etc. But this is a very real part of New York. This is one of the things that make New York so interesting - the diversity. It's probably the reason why New Yorkers don't ever feel the need to leave the country. Why? When you take a one hour train ride but gets transported half a world away?

Suburban Flushing

Restaurant we dined at 台港小吃 

Fried tofu

Minced meat with shallots - AMAZING

Stir fry clams - can I use the word amazing again?

Tea cooked hot pot chicken

Yes, that is between two of us.

We found a skewer store - so authentic in fact, that they sold chicken heart!

Meat skewers 串儿 - almost as good as those in Beijing! (Though half the size)

Streets of Flushing

Cheapest groceries in New York

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