Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Ended up in Taronga Zoo this morning for a photography lesson that didn't end up happening. Given that I had already paid for the ticket - I didn't let it go to waste.

Upon returning from the Zoo I decided to take a walk in the Botanical Gardens - following my usual running route, but backwards.

As I was walking through the gates above - what I call gates of pain (which is usually the state I am in by the time I get there, and then even more so when I realize I am only half way). I heard two male runners past me saying "... you've got to look out for those with the lowest NPV..." I almost laughed out loud - chances are though they are in finance. But the point is, that too many times, I too, have been running out here and forgot to look around the city I live in, and had let the daily grind interfere with a moment of what could be calmness and reflection. It is an hour (or maybe less, given I am a slow runner) that is completely yours, for you to be in the moment.

After all, this is the city we live in. And what a beautiful sight.

1 comment:

  1. Sue, since you have had photography lessons, do update your travels with pics along the way. We will be avid followers of your adventures.
