Thursday, February 25, 2010

Was in Beijing

Have fallen behind on the blogging - between the getting ill, packing, flying and looking for an apartment in Beijing - I couldn't seem to find words. Apologies.

We ended up settling on staying in a dorm. It was too much hassle having to set up an apartment for just a couple of months. Besides, the dorms seemed far more comfortable than the cruddy apartments we saw! The mistake we made was that we brought our Australian standards to local Beijing lifestyle - we were sorely disappointed. I definitely should have taken photos - my bad!

There is a curfew that come with dorms - midnight. I think we will have to find a way around that, a back door, or maybe a window to climb through. :)

Beijing is cold, but pretty much what I remembered it to be. It is far prettier than Guangzhou, but there are still plenty of signs yet that Beijing has a long way to go before it is developed. Road rules, for one, are still practically non-existent. And the airport - why build such a large airport if you can't have the planes park near the terminal itself? We had to take a 15-minute ride in a bus to get to the plane last night.

In Seoul now... I promise I will post!

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