Monday, July 5, 2010

Last on the World Cup

The World Cup was the reason why we were in South Africa. I have to admit I am not the biggest soccer fan, but that did not stop me from enjoying the game. As with all competitions, there is a winner and there is a loser. For some, emotions do run high. As Australia was out in the first round, I didn't really carry much allegiance with any one team. I was fickle - for example, I went into the Ghana vs Uruguay team supporting Ghana but half way through ended up supporting Uruguay just because no one else was (Diego Forlan's looks has nothing to do with it, of course...).

I did enjoy the World Cup and there are talks to go to the next one Brazil. Any interest out there?

Enjoy the moments below.

Chile vs Spain - The Spanish to start
The Spanish giving it a good hard kick

This was my favourite game just because the passion of the Chilean fans were electric. And for the first time I could hear past the vuvuzelas and enjoy the Chilean chants.

The American team in Ghana vs USA

Tight game, though The Americans did not play well at all.

Last minutes of the game - the American goalie runs down the field to the other side to assist

Soccer City in Johannesburg

Ghana vs Uruguay - this was the most controversial game for Africans. For the next 2 months in Africa - I keep hearing how Africans were robbed of a victory. I will play the devil's advocate and disagree...

The shot that won it for Uruguay

Argentina vs Germany: Argentina got their asses kicked 4-0, Australia's only consolation

Fanwalk at Cape Town... we were sandwiched

Cape Town Stadium, right next to the water

Cape Town Stadium from the inside - can see the imposing mountains outside

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