Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kyoto Walkabout

It probably wasn't such a great idea walking from 10AM to 6PM in a knee brace but every time I wanted to stop there was something in this city that kept pushing me on. My knee was protesting at the end... but it was worth it.

View of Kyoto skyline from Kiyomizu-dera Temple

Lanterns hanging from the roof temple at Yasaka-jinja shrine

Entrance to Yasaka-jinja shrine at night

Monk banging the gong at 5pm to signal they're closing shop

Bamboo forest

Zen garden at Kodai-ji Temple

Some shop selling matchstick boxes for souvenir (JPY 160 each by the way)

Cherry Blossom


  1. love the silhouette photo! take care of your knee! xx

  2. Don't you think you need to give that knee a rest for a couple of days? great photos, by the way. We are enjoying your journey too. Take care, Uncle Lau

  3. Knee is okay - had extended stay in Hakuba for 3 days to rest it. Am taking it slow in Kyoto in any case... came home today at 4pm!

    Thanks for the concern and comments!


  4. Sue do take care of your knee, don't push it too far, you have to let it recover. Not sure if this comments gets posted, if it does then there will be more coming. hahahaha. have been following your blog but just didn't know how to figure out on posting comments.

  5. Nice shots,

    hope you're having fun.

