Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Nara is the first capital city of Japan.

The city itself was built based on the Chinese city of Chang'an (present day X'ian), though to be honest its resemblance was lost on me. More significantly though, are the temples and shrines that have been built at the time - for worship, but mostly for the nobles and ruling families to consolidate power (this is the sceptic in me speaking). Much of European political history has been mired with religion - and Japanese history is not much more different. With the faith of the people united - the rulers were better able to lead and stamp out opposition.

The impressive Todai-ji temple - apparently the largest wooden structure in the world

Which houses the 16m high buddha statue

Inscription on lotus leaves of which the Buddha sits

Also the Kohfukuji Temple

If India have cows, Nara has deer

I missed out on Horyuji Temple as it was another train ride away and my knee was protesting. But this is definitely something I want to see. It is the oldest wooden structure in the world (and massive). Will have to come back.

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