Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stupidity + Bad Conditions = Accident

I think the title says it all. I injured my knee skiing down a cat track at Happo-One on my last day. Conditions were bad - visibility was low, but mostly, stupidity and excessive risk taking got me here.

Moral of the story - don't do stupid shit. Next time I will have to warm up. But thank god (or whatever mighty being) for amazing people around me. They didn't leave me alone long enough for me to feel too sorry for myself.

Besides, someone needs to take photos of me.

Posing despite injury

Being bandaged up by ski patrol

In my ride down the mountain

Sign in form at the hospital - "Pain" damn it, PAIN

Embracing the brace

In the event you do stupid shit too:
  • You will be sent to Hakuba Hospital for X-Ray; however doctor speaks minimal English
  • Go to Hakuba Physio for some English explanation and also a knee brace if you want one (if you've done what I had - you will) number is 0261 72 4117. I saw Leah Mandell and she was great. Should be able to get it back on travel insurance - but I don't know yet. Will definitely let you know if that is not the case.
  • For Ibuprofen you will need to go to Nakajima, which is next to A-Coop supermarket. The pharmacist will understand.


  1. Sue, we are all very worried for you. Hope you recover soon. Do keep your blog updated about your knee. Just spoken with your mum. Uncle Lau

  2. that looks like quite a serious accident - good job on getting ski patrol out! I guess you could say you had the all round ski experience :)
